Friday, October 30, 2015

Word of the day: cupidinous

The word of the day is cupidinous:

  1. eager or excessive desire, especially to possess something; greed; avarice.
mid-15c., from Anglo-Fr. cupidite, from M.Fr. cupidité, from L. cupiditas "passionate desire," from cupidus "eager, passionate," from cupere "to desire" (perhaps cognate with Skt. kupyati "bubbles up, becomes agitated," O.Slav. kypeti "to boil," Lith. kupeti "to boil over"). Despite the erotic sense of the Latin word, in English cupidity originally, and still especially, means "desire for wealth." (

"Van Hove's 'Roman Tragedies' eliminates the first scene of 'Antony and Cleopatra,' which includes a voluptuous embrace and depicts 'the triple pillar of the world / transform'd into a strumpet's fool.'  But this eluded verse is later enacted, during Antony's passionate leave-taking of Cleopatra before battle.  As Antony dresses, the couple laugh and fumble cupidinously; they kiss passionately for a full minute as the music—Bob Dylan singing 'Not Dark Yet'—surrounds them, and Antony's advisers look sternly on."

 - Rebecca Mead, "Theatre laid bare: Ivo van Hove's raw productions bring out the elemental drama of classic works", 26 October 2015 The New Yorker (

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