Tuesday, November 04, 2014

word of the day: quidnunc

The word of the day is quidnunc:

a person who is eager to know the latest news and gossip; a gossip or busybody.
< Latin quid nunc what now? (dictionary.com

"'Out of my way, you irrelevant quidnuncI'm the protagonist of this crime and romance thriller,' said Drasko Mustafovic in a rare flash of arrogance that bordered on hubris to a supernumerary with whom he shared an elevator ascending the Hotel Artaud....

"The night of Drasko Mustafovic's alleged, supposed, so-called abduction from Hotel Artaud (depending on which quidnunc's hypothesis you entertained), spirits were summoned from ethereal realms to his ancestral home....

"'The predominant mood at Count Ghastly's house these days is a triple-layered wanhope frosted with a fitful gloom,' explained the village pastry chef to a tea shop of quidnuncs and gossips whose schadenfreude was snapping up crumbs of rueful news."

 - Karen Elizabeth Gordon, Out of the Loud Hound of Darkness: A Dictionarrative

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