Tuesday, November 18, 2014

word of the day: adumbrate

The word of the day is adumbrate:

1. to produce a faint image or resemblance of; to outline or sketch.
2. to foreshadow; prefigure.
3. to darken or conceal partially; overshadow.
Latin adumbrātus shaded (past participle of adumbrāre) (dictionary.com)

"'The orgy in the grand salon tonight shall consist of five discrete movements, or courses, if you will,' adumbrated Amaranthia to an odd assortment of overnight guests - all cellists, composers, or chefs....

"Dulac's lambent adumbration of the incipient denouement sets the reader up for an expose of the most trifling indiscretions and not the perfidious betrayals that actually unfurl at the end of her roman a clef Tatiana's Bear."

 - Karen Elizabeth Gordon, Out of the Loud Hound of Darkness: A Dictionarrative

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