Sunday, January 16, 2011

The word of the day is dirigisme:
< French dirigisme, < diriger to direct.
The policy of state direction and control in economic and social matters. (OED)

"China, Korea, and other rising economies are often reproached for using government money and influence to bolster home industries to the disadvantage of foreign competitors, a practice that is known as 'industrial policy,' and is frowned on by international trade law.  Such discriminatory policies are also referred to as dirigisme - a clue that the concept didn't originate in the Far East.  After the Second World War, the government of France's Fifth Republic created 'national champions' in strategic areas of the French economy, such as transportation, energy, and aerospace."

 - John Cassidy, "Enter the Dragon: Why 'state capitalism' is China's biggest knockoff", 13 December 2010 The New Yorker

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