Friday, March 17, 2017

Today I'm thankful for: my immigrant ancestors

Today (and every day) I'm thankful my ancestors were able to come to this country.

On St. Patrick's Day in America, we celebrate Irish heritage.  I might be Irish: I don't actually know for sure, because I have had a cushy life in this country, and my specific ethnic background hasn't really mattered.

I would be terrified to pick up and move to another country, uninvited, leaving behind friends and family, not knowing the local language, and having to start over from scratch.  But that is precisely what my ancestors did.  And because they did, I had a comfortable childhood, I have had an excellent education, I have a good job, and I am able to provide an equally cushy life for my daughters in this great country.

Today, we are all Irish, which is to say, we are all immigrants, and I am thankful.

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