Wednesday, February 11, 2015

word of the day: balaclava helmet

The word of the day is balaclava helmet:

a close-fitting, knitted cap that covers the head, neck, and tops of the shoulders, worn especially by mountain climbers, soldiers, skiers, etc.
named after Balaklava (

"'And they was kings in those days, real kings, not like the sort you get now.  They was monarchs,' continued Albert, carefully pouring some tea into his saucer and fanning it primly with the end of his muffler.  'I mean, they was wise and fair, well, fairly wise.  And they wouldn't think twice about cutting your head off soon as look at you,' he added approvingly.  'And all the queens were tall and pale and wore them balaclava helmet things-'
'Wimples?' said Mort.
'Yeah, them, and the princesses were beautiful as the day is long and so noble they, they could pee through a dozen mattresses-'

 - Terry Pratchett, Mort

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