Thursday, November 06, 2014

word of the day: rive

The word of the day is rive:

verb (used with object), rived, rived or riven, riving.
1. to tear or rend apart.
2. to separate by striking; split; cleave.
3. to rend, harrow, or distress (the feelings, heart, etc.).
4. to split (wood) radially from a log.
verb (used without object), rived, rived or riven, riving.
5. to become rent or split apart.
< Old Norse rīfa to tear, split.  (

"They hastened to apprise the debutante of her rights while she banged the mud off her dance floor heels and shook the sand and smudges out of her riven ballgown."

 - Karen Elizabeth Gordon, Out of the Loud Hound of Darkness: A Dictionarrative

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