Wednesday, June 12, 2013

word of the day: salmagundi

The word of the day is salmagundi:

Etymology:  < French salmigondis (in the 16th cent. salmiguondin, salmingondin), of obscure origin. 
1. Cookery. A dish composed of chopped meat, anchovies, eggs, onions with oil and condiments. (OED)

"'Colin Quinn Unconstitutional' is a salmagundi of alternative history (George Washington loved 'setting fires in barns and torturing animals'), mordant rumination ('No praying in school - unless some kid is shooting up the school'), and arresting analogy (he likens the separation of powers to the Three Stooges, with Moe walloping Curly when he gets out of line)."

 - Tad Friend, "On closer inspection: framers unframed", 3 June 2013 The New Yorker

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