Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Word of the day: smut

The word of the day is smut:
  1. a particle of soot; sooty matter.
  2. a black or dirty mark; smudge.
  3. indecent language or publications; obscenity.
  4. Plant Pathology.
    1. a disease of plants, especially cereal grasses, characterized by the conversion of affected parts into black, powdery masses of spores, caused by fungi of the order Ustilaginales.
    2. a fungus causing this disease.
1664, "black mark, stain," from verbsmutten "debase, defile" (early 15c.),cognate with M.H.G. smotzen "makedirty," from W.Gmc. *smutt- (cf. M.H.G.smuz "grease, dirt," Ger. Schmutz "dirt,"Ger. schmutzen "to make dirty"). Themeaning "indecent or obscenelanguage" is first attested 1668 (impliedin smutty).


"Between smuts, sticky salt air, and the occasional burning ember from the stacks, the experienced traveller locked away the bulk of her wardrobe."

 - Laurie R. King, Dreaming Spies (2015)

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