Wednesday, August 21, 2013

word of the day: collimate

The word of the day is collimate:

Etymology:  < ‘collīmāre’, an erroneous reading, found in some edd. of Cicero, of Latin collīneāre, < col-, com- together + līnea line, līneāre to bring into a straight line. 
2. trans.
a. To place or adjust (a telescope) so that the line of sight is in the required position; to place (two telescopes, lenses, etc.) so that their optical axes are in the same line.
b. To make parallel, as a lens, the rays of light passing through it. (OED)

"General attrib. uses of pl. schlieren, with reference to an experimental method for the observation and recording of schlieren in transparent media, in which the specimen is illuminated with a collimated beam of light, and the diffraction pattern resulting from localized refraction of light rays by the schlieren is photographed or displayed on a screen."

 - OED

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