Saturday, August 18, 2012

word of the day: motoconcho

The word of the day is motoconcho:

A small motorccycle, usually about a 110cc, used for cheap taxi service, in the Dominican Republic. It is not unusual to see one with up to five or six people one, all at the same time. They are also sometimes used instead of a pickup truck, etc., for moving large items, such as washing machines. (Urban Dictionary)

"You have to leave the rental jípeta on the last bit of paved road and jump on the back of two motoconchos with all the luggage balanced on your backs.  Nobody stares, because those ain't real loads you're carrying: You've seen a single moto carry a family of five and their pig."

 - Junot Díaz, "The Cheater's Guide to Love", New Yorker 23 July 2012

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