Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Quote of the day

"Anyone who can tell you what they had for lunch three weeks ago last Tuesday is too weird to be in a cohort study."

 - heard in a seminar on the molecular pathogenesis of prostate cancer

The incidence of prostate cancer depends enormously on geography.  Asians (who live in Asia) have a much, much lower incidence than Americans do.  But: the incidence among Asian-Americans (born in the U.S.) is just as high as for caucasians.

Whence the difference?  Environmental exposure to carcinogens, presumably.

Another fact: all male mammals have prostates, but only ones that seem to get prostate cancer spontaneously are humans and dogs.  That suggests the carcinogen in question is in the diet.  (The subsequent discussion on how you would go about studying that prompted today's quote.)

Note to self: eat less beef.  Especially pan-fried beef.

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