Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The word of the day is apocope:

< Greek ἀποκοπή a cutting off, < ἀποκόπτειν to cut off.
The cutting off or omission of the last letter or syllable of a word. (OED)

"Bradley also celebrated some lesser-known hip-hop lyrics, including this dense, percussive couple by Pharaohe Monch, a cult favorite from Queens:

The last batter to hit, blast shattered your hip
Smash any splitter or fastball - that'll be it

Picking through this ticket, Bradley paused to appreciate Monch's use of apocopated rhyme, as when a one-syllable word is rhymed with the penultimate syllable of a multisyllabic word (last/blast/fastball)."

 - Kelefa Sanneh, "Word: Jay-Z's 'Decoded' and the language of hip-hop", 6 December 2010 The New Yorker


Ellen said...

I asked for DECODED for Christmas, specifying in hardcover not on Kindle. C'mon, Santa!

Elizabeth said...

I flipped through DECODED at the bookstore the other day: it does seem to be too visual to be adequately represented on a Kindle.